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SEAL - What's Up ?

Okayyyyy! Right....where were we ? Well, the WoA show has come & gone. We went, but we didn't come, as our chat-up-lines still aren't working on the girls too well ("Do you have a mirror in your panties ? 'Cos I can see me in there later" :), but seem to really get the sheep going, so it's not a total loss. Our t-shirts were finished in time, and seem to have been the best home-made design there. We handed out plenty of cards (for (very) cheap thrills call sicky on.....heheh), and bla bla bla (see the WoA thang).

Recently we've been busy making sure that CU, AF, CUCUG, TA, AS have our details to advertise, so that we can start some serious marketing. Keywords are on the search engines too. Posters were designed, printed and laminated. So far we have them up in many places, including "Game" Basildon, and "Special Reserve" Chelmsford, so thet should gain us a few new members. It'll be great fun "initiating" them, "Squeal like a piggy, boy!"... anyone who'se watched "Deliverance" (Burt Reynolds), will know what that means...heheh.

As for membership, it's been decided that it's time for members to start forking out the bikkies, and pay £2.50 pm membership. Then we can pay for real strippers and everything, instead of rhino baring his flesh for us :) rofl.... We've organised a regular hall meeting, of once a month, and our first was taken up with Spencer giving us a lightwave lesson, Dr.Sicky inspecting a sick A1200, and Sicky, Spencer, Rhino, rusty, and Stoo discussng what to put on the essential utilities page.

As you can see, rhino & rusty have been slaving away on the site, getting whipped and beaten, and loving every minute of it :) We hope to add / refine more things sometime, such as a pc/amiga overview, and are hoping to do some reviews of software we use, giving you our opinion of the good & bad points, and how to get around them. In between watching Jamaica get beaten by Croatia (damn, but Croatia do have a cool kit....we think Amiga Tech, should sponsor them...the shirts are just like our Boing Ball logo...well, kinda :) ), and watching English "fans" give the French police some baton practice, we've been updating and adding the utilities page to the site, and are about to upload it for Neil Bothwick's perusal. Hopefully he'll include this site on the next CU Amiga cd :) If you're reading this from the cd, Good Work Fella Neil !! and hi there everyone :)

The Story So Far

Well, to summarise what we've been doing over the last coupla months :

  • We've called ourselves SEAL, which was nearly going to be South Essex Amiga LOVERS :)) kinky.
  • We`ve informed Amiga Format, CU Amiga, Amiga Society, Team Amiga, and CUCUG of us.
  • A hall is ready to meet in ('cos we're sick of getting carpet burns :)
  • Intrinsic computers should be lugging 'round a few Ateo Concepts bus-boards and Pixel-64 cards for us to check out. Kickstart & CAF members are welcome (hope to see you).
  • We've launched ourselves onto the IRC with our very own site.... irc.ais.net #seal (gonna beg #pamiga to use their "seal" bot).
  • We've organised becoming members of Team Amiga (*bow*), which we believe every user group should do.
  • And finally, we've come up with the idea of a world user-group map, whose main purpose will be to find out which areas aren't represented. Then we can help organise groups for those areas. Team AMIGA have kindly offered us the use of their user-group database, and are supporting the project. So we're very busy organising Arexx scripts (for plotting/mapping), scanning maps, and getting info. from the user groups. More details on the Amiga User Groups World Map.
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Made with Amiga! Thanks to Bowie J. Poag, author of ArcsPack Vol. 1-17 for letting us use his images as the basis for our web-site. His art can be found on AmiNET (pix/icon).

Last Updated: 14/06/1998
Problems? Comments?......beat yourself up severely, or contact: webmaster@williams.demon.co.uk

My URL: http://welcome.to/seal

I got it for free at http://come.to